• bizz@iconglobal.co.uk
  • +44 208 150 6150


Icon Global Services offers the best VoIP reseller services provider VoIP services. Our global network guarantees smooth international calls. We can be your one-stop shop, providing secure connections and competitive rates. We customize solutions for your international voice traffic, ensuring your satisfaction. Plus, get a secure web portal for easy usage tracking and reports. Looking for VOIP service providers in the UK or the best VoIP reseller services provider? Choose Voice Icon Global Services today!

Wholesale VoIP Termination

Icon Global Services delivers direct route termination services as well as A-Z services for businesses, service providers, and carriers. With the assistance of our robust voice network, you can link up your calling platform to any phone anywhere in the world for consistent call termination.

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VoIP Reseller Solutions

Icon Global Services grants feature-rich VoIP reseller services to clientele who seek to become mainstream VoIP providers. It facilitates curbing your expenditures on infrastructure, backbone operations, and research and development while at the same time boosting business profitability, stability, and credibility for the organization.

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Toll Free Services

IGS allocates Toll Free Numbers to enable businesses to strengthen their credibility with prospects and clients and foster a nationwide presence. You may choose a number, get it activated in a couple of minutes, and manage your call forwarding and other services online with just a few clicks.

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DID Numbers

We provide Geographical & National Phone Numbers to more than 50 nations & 4,000 cities worldwide. This enables the firm to save time by eradicating the need for operators to route calls. IGS offers every DID number at affordable monthly rates, free of minute charges, and with a range of channel and routing options.

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Call Center & BPO

Our considerable experience of dealing with Call Center and BPO clients throughout the years has given us a comprehensive understanding of your challenges. With IGS services, you may revolutionize your sales process and enhance efficiency. We provide a range of solutions for the purpose of streamlining communications in your sector.

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How we work?
and provide services!

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Meeting with the customer

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Work hard on the project

Collecting event old above shy bed favour income has stuff.


We finish the project

Collecting event old above shy bed favour income has stuff.


Successfully launch project

Collecting event old above shy bed favour income has stuff.

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